Today, I enjoyed a little bit of affection from my dear Arya. She is a very active child and I rarely have moments of these tendencies from her. She plays, she goes around the whole house, she wants in his arms, she wants to go down again, she speaks his language and he always smiles. She’s happy, it wouldn’t have been the same as her love, but it’s not the kind of child who can sit next to you. She prefers to fly for long days. Seriously, sometimes I just get tired sooner so I can get a little rest too!😀

But today she woke up, opened her eyes and crawled to me. She laid her head on my chest and we sat hugged for minutes. Then she lifted her head and with her big, curious eyes, she smiled so purely that in that moment I thought I was melting in two seconds. Her face was laughing. I started talking to her, I said I love her, I recited again and again the poem “ma-ma / tu-tu /ai ov youuu”, we hugged again, I juggled her and I took full advantage of her modesty. I wasn’t tired of looking at her and holding her in the arms as she was. In those moments I forgot how tired and how little I slept for a few nights here. I forgot everything that annoyed me for a while. My heart was floating in my love for her.

With such moments I charge my batteries for a long time and tell myself that I could not receive a more beautiful gift from my life. I am amazed by her every day and think that baby is the best and most effective medicine for a woman’s soul. As a mother you rediscover yourself as a person and as a woman. Your whole being goes through an irreversible transformation. And as difficult and overwhelming sometimes it becomes, so much the reward when you have such moments. You want to stop time instead and steal time!


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