When you become a mother, you begin to look at your own mother as a heroine.

I do not know if it applies to you, but I remember how I told my mother (and I was convinced of that) that I would do differently when I had my child. In principle my idea involved a certain dose of selfishness. However, this selfishness disappeared with the appearance of Arya in my life. Yes, I still want to have unlimited time for personal pampering, but I must admit that I prefer the one spent with the little one.

Becoming mothers we transform ourselves into our mothers, which until recently I had looked at with other eyes. And we really appreciate them. We really appreciate them because, because of us, or rather because of us, they have never been in first place in their lives. We have been dedicated to ourselves, body and soul, without regretting the life beforehand. Or maybe there were times when they longed for that freedom, but it passed quickly, because we became the center of their universe.

Being a mother and a woman, in that order, means a lot more effort than when you’re just a woman. The time for you, for your pleasures and needs is considerably limited, and sometimes it is almost non-existent. Sometimes you miss him. And you remember with embarrassment that at one point you judged your mother for forgetting to be a woman. Who knows … maybe that day she was too tired or just had no desire to do her nails or wash her head and straighten her hair. Yes, now you understand that it can.

Being a flirtatious mother is hard, but not impossible. In fact, it is a real race against the clock, in which you discover in yourself unknown skills, such as that you can be ready to leave in about 5 minutes instead of 30. Makeup, arranged, flirty. 😀

We, the women, are heroines. Especially after we become mothers!


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