Fried meat in the Garnita lard, traditional Romanian recipe, old, as it is done in the houses of Romans for hundreds of years. Or confit, as foreigners say.

In the past, when people did not have refrigerators and freezers, pig’s, sheep’s or goat’s and birds were stored to stay fresh as long as they could. They would be put in salt or lard (at the Garnita, at a little, at the cauldron, at the boiler , in clay pots). The names differ from one area to another, from one housewife to another, each household prepared in its own way the meat for the winter, but the result was always extremely tasty.

What people did in ancient times, is considered a delicacy by current day luxury restaurants for foreigners and fried meat in lard in the Garnita is called “Confit”. The truth is that it’s good, no matter what name it is called.

Ingredients :

  • -Meat with or without bone
  • -Fat
  • -Garlic
  • -Salt
  • -Pepper
  • -Cumin
  • -Paprika

How to Prepare

I remember the times of childhood in the country and the preparation of the pig. I was never going to cut the pig, run and hide, because I was sorry.

After everything is broken and the meat, bacon and organs are divided depending on how it will be prepared, leave the meat for frying. There were usually pieces of chop, neck, pulp and ribs, everything that didn’t go to the smoked.

I cut the meat pieces 4-5 cm. I put it in a pot and I seasoned it well. The meat should be seasoned as if you were making a regular steak. Put salt and spices because otherwise the meat will have absolutely no taste. Think that this meat is removed from the jar and is consumed as such. It doesn’t have to be a fad but to lead you to a steak.

We added the meat a tablespoon of fat and about 150 ml water, put the lid or aluminum foil and dip into the oven.

I put an aluminum foil and I let the meat cook in the oven, in a thermoresistent dish with lid.

After the meat is already soft, gently loosen it with the fork, I left it to low without lid. It has to sizzle and rumenate, a sign that all the water has evaporated. It is very important to get rid of the water because it is responsible for the rancesation and the appearance of moulds. Without water there is no mold.

I pulled the pieces of meat on a separate platter.

Then I sat the meat in the jar. I warmed the white grease just to become fluid (without melting it completely) and poured it over the meat. I shook the jar well to sit and come out the air. The grease does not melt completely because it must fix and cover the pieces of meat. If she were like oil (melted) then the meat would float in it. Logically.

The jar goes to the pantry or the fridge.

When we’re craving a meat at the garnish, it’s enough to open the jar. This steak in lard is consumed both cold and reheated. The meat is flour, the homemade lard is creamy, the food TASTES! Do not forget to spice up the meat well! Furthermore, salt is also a very good preservative.

This steak is beautiful in a jar! We like to eat it with red onions and fresh bread.

If you want me to write more recipes, tell me what you’re looking for, and if I know, I write the recipe. Follow me, I have a lot to write!

Good appetite!


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