Many times I wondered how it would be beyond horizons?  Maybe you have this question … like in Romania for example … but about my country I will write in another tutorial.

Since I was a child, I have watched with fondness, and still today, in my memory, certain sequences from the movie “Gone with the wind” … I adore it … maybe I can find myself in it and look at the present happily, leaving the past behind and waiting with love for the future.

Although we often think that dreams are just images that have no relation to reality, sometimes you know that they intersect.  Threats become challenges and obstacles become achievements.  In our own dream we have the power and freedom to create.  Among other things, it’s fun.  I realize that I dream and choose to do things that I could not really do at the level I am now.  For example, swim underwater, like dolphins, with eyes open and breathe.  Or to fly to high heights through the clouds and see our planet from somewhere in space … Everything becomes fascinating and appealing when you realize that you dream and have the freedom to experience whatever you want.  Here, in broad and small lines, we can create reality in our daily lives.  The more we are aligned with our desires, the easier we give them life.

A new stage

 It never crossed my mind and I did not want to go to a foreign country.  I did not imagine a future to see my family once a year, nor think of it.  It all happened so quickly that I didn’t even had the opportunity to spend too much time thinking.  Since we met, I only wanted to spend my time with him and start our life together, so at that moment it was easy for me to make the decision to move from Romania.  I can say that it was the most inspiring decision of my life, because I followed my instinct and I did well. 

I would follow him to the end of the universe another 10 times.

So many qualities to a single man I have never seen and think about every day, how could I be so lucky, to meet him and fit in so well?  Every time we talk about it, we cannot believe and we cannot explain how it was possible for two people from different continents, completely different cultures and lifestyles to have so many things in common. 


 However, I must admit that it was very difficult for me to adjust to the lifestyle here and it has nothing to do with me.  There is no way not to miss family, friends, traditions, everything you know, even to speak Romanian daily.  Don’t get me wrong, I won’t cry for mercy, I feel lucky that I had the opportunity to live in a totally different world that I only knew from the TV and to meet beautiful and interesting people and I had so many  opportunities, only that everything got me unprepared.  After about a week of admiring tanks, I heard gunshots, seeing people in uniforms of varying ranks and being more accurately at Fort Benning military base, it hit me with a longing for the country that I can’t explain to you, I was just crying uncontrollably.  and I couldn’t find words to explain what I was feeling at the moment.  As if suddenly I woke up to reality.  I was already thinking about not being able to visit my mother when I wanted to, even though I felt safe, not being able to carry on my work as I used to, having my own handmade shop, going to fairs and exhibitions or running around,  here I had to settle down at home – 7h difference to talk to family or friends … I was panicking.

First Christmas Baby Arya

Everything went by itself and irreproachable … after a few days we moved to our cottage .. a few weeks later he asked me to get married and then one month later I found out I was pregnant … I waited many days until I  – I saw for the first time my little cob growing in my womb … then at 35 weeks she wanted to know me too – she became an American citizen and I still didn’t receive the green card and so I couldn’t work anyway.  without documents and with a small baby you have no way.  The longest 7 months of my life when I simply stayed at home and took care of our baby, away from home and support only by phone.  It even counts!  Every time my husband had time off, we were going out in parks etc. always together.  The first Christmas and the new year together, I don’t want to mention my dear mother and what was in her heart, but I appreciated and enjoyed the first holidays spent with my future husband and later with my family that I have  wanted my whole husband and daughter.

I had to get used to speaking English daily, I swear that at the end of the day my whole body ached, my throat hurts as I tried to pronounce the words as correctly as possible, but also my hands.  I was ashamed to talk to my neighbors, but Stephen encouraged me.

About Fort Benning

I arrived in FB, GA on December 11, 2017 and at first glance it impressed me.  Very different, this was my first impression because the road from Romania was incredible long, but from the airport to the house I thought it was very short.  What is more 2 hours besides 12 in the air and others through the airport.  Right?  People of different cultures, mindsets and races, I thought I would never have friends, not in this country.  As if I had nothing in common with them, my stories did not resemble their stories, where they grew up, where they lived, what books they read, what movies they saw, etc., but everything had a new beginning, a new tab in the book  my life was just beginning.  About Fort Benning Georgia I will write in another article.

I want to make it to school, to improve myself, to find a job for myself and to take more confidence in myself, to make more friends and nobody will care about my accent.  All my fears may just be in my mind.  I have met very interesting people who always have interesting stories and I am pleased to hear them and to hear another perspective of life.  They taught me to see things differently and to have an open mind.

My reliable help was always my husband, who listened to me every time I needed and was very patient with me and made me possible to visit Romania where I had a wedding of my dreams but of course another article they will be waiting for you soon.  How to plan for perfect wedding like in stories … and I had it!  When you move to a foreign country, you must leave with your mind and heart open.  Be optimistic and have patience with yourself and those around you and take nothing for granted from what you hear and see because people are different and have different mindsets.

The move took me by surprise and I did not have time to plan it too much and to settle for the idea that I was moving, I felt like I was going on vacation and I would have a great time, but if you decided to make a future here  , or any other circumstances take you to other countries, then you probably integrate more easily.  The longing for “home” at home will remain, for friends and family, I do not think it will ever go away, only that it becomes easier and you have to remember what was your purpose for which you left.  It all depends on you, how willing you are to integrate and I always say that I can’t have them all in my life.


 From my own experience or things I haven’t done but should have made it easier for me:

  • Visit a public library and read books, perfect your language, English in my case;
  • Do not take refuge in food, cleaning and television at home, the mistake I made
  • Get to know your neighborhood, city, community, take short walks through the park;
  • Cook something new, discover the local food;
  • Try to make new friends, be social;
  • Keep a journal if it helps you;
  • Maintains with family and friends;
  • Find markets near you, festivals, concerts;
  • Be patient!!!

 Easy accommodation!


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