“The birth of a child is a compliment to the Divinity.”

Day of Fulfillment: Saturday – 22.10.2018

How can I describe this day? Wonderful? Magic? Unique? Doers? Blessed?

Like a fairy came and waved the magic wand with star dust. With much emotion. With love. With tears of joy. Depth. It was just my breath of happiness.

One autumn day. Start of the week. But before I tell you, Mrs. Doctor had set a Thanksgiving Day.

I wasn’t ready … but I had a few days until the new meeting with the doctor lady.

I was 35 weeks and 2 days. I was quiet in bed and waiting to be served with my husband in the evening after watching a series from Lucifer 😊 My dear girl moved with love and light and I was eating and talking to her .. finally I went to sleep…

Around 5.30-6am, the time when she would always wake up with her dad to greet her in the morning and be a little eaten by him, I stopped going to the bathroom with her bladder full.

Suddenly I felt wet. A lot. In my mind, “Opa, I think it’s happening.” And I smiled. I inspired and expired calmly. I said, “Calm Iulia, don’t panic, everything will be fine.”

I got up, went to the bathroom and … Obviously.

Yes! And I was convinced once again that Arya wants to mom in her arms.

I went into the bedroom and just said..STEF? and he immediately rose to his feet and seemed more excited than me and didn’t know what to do.

Let’s get to hospital …

I got to the hospital. Martin Army Hospital. About 7:00 am.

After a few minutes the internship was done and we were already in the salon under supervision. I could feel my heart beating harder.

I did not sweat the bag ready for before / after … we have nothing prepared .. absolutely nothing.

At first I just felt like Arya was giving birth and then after 20 hours of labor the contractions started. Strong. Deep. Orgasmic. (Don’t get me wrong!) It was an uplifting moment. God created us this way! Let’s be life-bearing! Amazing!

My pains were sweetened with beautiful words but nothing. I was just thinking I want to get away faster … 20 hours … pff

Slightly, contractions were easy.

No fucking way!

Finally we were approaching our moment.

I was losing my focus. He was holding me by the hand. He was my assistant and my doctor. I could only hear his voice. I followed his instructions until I heard little Arya. Birth Time: 1:26 am. What joy! I was holding my angel in my arms. I was holding her chest. I was talking to her. I breastfed her.

Since her birth she has stayed with me. Mother’s chicken! Welcome!

Ready. The story is over! I hope you have felt every emotion conveyed by me.

Conclusion: No matter how hard you strive, whatever time passes, everything is worth it, everything gets exactly right after you feel free, after you look with that little puppy that for 9 months has been hiding inside you. it is divine, you have no words … you really don’t have!

I recommend it!


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