Many times when you want something from your soul, it happens that you cannot have it … it always happens that you encounter different obstacles … so it happened to me … but in the end, I found that there were miracles, becoming thus a winner.

I happened upon this world by chance, my parents were already fulfilled, having my brothers, Nicoleta and Petre.

In one of the days, although there were no question marks, at a simple check, the mother was notified of the existence of a cyst, later a fibroma and at about 30 weeks, the fact that she had been given useless pills, because a small critter is in her womb and is about to come into this world.

July 13, 1985, the day my destiny was written to me …

As a child I liked to stay and observe, to try and not leave until something did not go out as I wished … I envied my sister’s writing, but this I did not manage to “steal” although I was reading her essays, reports and everything she prepared with great love for the school and I wanted to sow them … she was older than me at 11 years old and her brother at 9 years old.

The years have passed and life has shown us different ways … Nicoleta got married and went to her house following her husband … the brother also went to Spain for a better future and I … I stayed with the parents.

From a cozy apartment in Bucharest, the place of my childhood … all my memories … the childhood games like the satchel, the elastic, the hiding place, the castle … waw … the beautiful childhood seem to relive every moment of then … even gymnastics … at that time Nadia Comăneci was in vogue after the perfect 10 since the Montreal Olympics in 1976 … * The wheel of luck * in front of the door, with the press and the dolls in front of the block and even the tent I was making from my mother’s blankets, and from which I am amused today, remembering how my mother always argued with me on this topic.

I miss being a child again, without problems, with all my loved ones, but of course, maybe I am today at that time, or maybe not. I would like to relive everything again and again and to be able to embrace those who are no longer with me today. Now that technology has advanced so much and children only know how to sit in front of the TV, phone or tablet and not really feel every moment, this childhood cycle scares me.

Suddenly I woke up suddenly from the cradles of my childhood … without brothers and with two parents a little shaky …

My father was given only 6 months to live immediately after the revolution .. the fall of communism .. The 1989 revolution, at the age of 38 years … I was only 3 years old and I still remember the blankets in the windows, the bumps on which I heard them and did not know what they are, and today I hear them daily and I am immune, (now I am on a military base). I remember how I slept with my neighbors’ children and cousins, by the side of the bed to accommodate everyone, and our parents, in turn, guarded us, and the furniture that stood by the door did not come in. No one knew. what exactly is happening … in the house fear, and outside, my father and my brothers, from the cry “Come on freedom!” until they were assaulted on the street it was only one step and they did it.

They were put in vans and finally reached the Jilava penitentiary. My brothers were not separated but from there they were transferred to the Aron Florian correction school and my father stayed in Jilava where he was beaten and tortured.

Released with tears in his eyes, when he got home he received another news … my brothers were not … the news that without them, my mother will not receive him in the house and give him fire, he did not receive it very well, leaving in a hurry and taking each hospital and morgue in turn.

We were free but at what risk? Many broken families, children, parents, grandparents … much suffering … many dead and many injured.

Finally, a ringing in the pipe (a sign that someone called and wants to chat with us), and the mother was at the neighbor on the 1st floor … we were on the 3rd floor … a phone call from a mother whose child had been found and when leaving, my sister had given her the neighbor’s phone number, to be announced to the parents so they could go after them.

It was hard … traumas and sleepless nights … the long hours spent with them at the psychologist, then days and nights spent on the hospital halls, where my father, due to the circumstance, took his illness on that night looking for- my brothers … heart attack … pre-heart attack … days were numbered … but God did not want to leave us, neither the brothers with great traumas nor without the father.

The years have passed … year by year, my sister, still recounting the pain in her soul, through what happened, even a documentary was made about those feelings and moments that occurred on the night of December 21-22, ’89 and runs here in the United States of America.

At only 13 years old, together with our parents, we said goodbye to the place where we grew up. Being alone, we agreed to sell the apartment, and to move to the yard … said and done … we moved in 2 rooms with everything we had in 4 … I washed in the basin, and went to school with dirt on shoes because the area where we lived was not paved at that time … we passed over … we built another room … a bathroom..a kitchen and so, easy, easy, I had all the comfort and I really felt at home, although the desire to keep someone behind me and always give me spurs was only summed up on the phone is short or a few short words in the letters …

I finished high school, I took the exam for high school but the madness makes many people were and are corrupt in Romania … I do not know if in other parts, but there I know for sure. From the 63rd person on the list of about 230 people enrolled, I was the second refused at the “High School of Informatics” Bucharest … it hurt me very hard, because I knew what and how much I can, but especially, as the gate of behind the building, parents came with children’s files and different gifts, and I had completely rejected this compromise. Maybe, and because I knew my parents didn’t have … unemployment benefit and a sickness pension.

I entered the professional school, because my train had passed, full of regrets and disappointments … it was a year in which I studied the constructions … a very beautiful side, and I really liked … drawing, merchandising, I loved certain subjects. But the time has come, to reduce the file to the general school and this time, the computer to distribute me … said and done … Edmond Nicolau Technical College … nice clean … 1 hours until I arrived … another until I was returning, but nothing stopped me, although I had finished with maximum grades, the professional year, I felt that my place was not there …

In the last year, I have committed, I got hired to a Fast Food, to have my own money, not to ask the parents anymore and at the same time I can help them even.

I remember today, as after school hours, I was quickly running to work. It was a small Fast Food but you had to cut a lot of potatoes, vegetables, make different sauces and also clean and then go home, where I do my homework for the next day and not to upset my parents, who they insisted that I not work.

I also finished high school … Electronics Technician Technique and Automation … this did not satisfy me … I wanted more, although in life you have to know a little of each and the fact I know to change a bulb and repair a TV in certain conditions, I say it’s a good thing.

The time has come to say: Now what am I doing? I liked and still like tourism today, and so, I attended the courses of the Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management at the Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir in Bucharest, close to the house, just a subway station, because I can not bear to lose much hours on the road. I chose to do “FR” – only on weekends, so I could work at the same time. I worked weekends at the club and the promoter day at Philip Morris so I could learn.

Friday, April 25, 2008 … The great Easter Easter … the day that I will never be able to get out of my mind, soul and life, ever.

I woke up after only a few hours of sleep to go to another job. Dad was with my nephew Alexis, in the yard, they were playing … said and done … I dress and I’m leaving … I’m back on the road …

 Him: Dad, please eat because you’re only skin and bone!

 Him: Dad, please take care of you!

 Me: Yes Dad!

I went outside the gate, then I came back … I wanted to take it and hold it tight to my chest but I didn’t do it and I regret it today.

 Him: What’s dad?  You forgot something?

 Me: Not dad …

 Him: See you later! … and these were the last words with my father …

Mixed feelings, fear, nervousness, a pain that pressed me more and more, then the phone left me breathless.

My sister:  Iuliana, dies ours father …

With great calm, I ended my work day, called my promoter and left slightly, to the meeting point with my former friend … a few subway stations, which seemed to me tens … as if I had not arrived … I got in the car and headed for the house, where my father was … his parent’s house, the place where a house, had been built over the years on his way home from there … today a stone. .. tomorrow another .. today a screw, tomorrow a hammer and of course where he lovingly plants vegetables that later with great love brought home or went with them to the market and sell them.

An essential thing left for my father … not to be afraid of work … not to steal and destroy families.

 Today is what my parents gave me as a teaching and I will thank them for how many days I will have.

I will continue to write…


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