Every time we meet people we have never seen before, we become parents, the first question we are asked after the exchange of kindness is this – “And how is it to be a parent?”. The answer is “Otherwise.” Other than what others tell you, because each child is unique, otherwise because your life as you were used to it changes radically, her daily routine changes as well, and you, as an individual, change in turn without having to you realize. Already in love with your child up to Lord-God and back, you talk in one about the subject of your adoration as any lover and sometimes forget to stop and change the subject, risking to bore the audience. 😀

Being a parent is the most beautiful thing that can happen to you. A child perfumes your existence with the smell of heaven, makes you better, more patient, more thoughtful, more responsible, happier. When he becomes aware of you too, he recognizes you and smiles and touches you with his angel glove on your cheek, feeling that you have everything and that you need nothing more than a time capsule.


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