1. Don’t annoy her. This is the most important and that is why it is the first place. Her nerves are already stretched to the maximum and any spark can cause an explosion. Literally. Seriously, don’t upset a mom!

2. Do not contradict it if you do not have solid arguments because you get to point 1 again.

3. When she says she can’t, believe her. She may even when she says she can’t, but sometimes she even feels the need to take a break. When she became a mother, she stepped out of her comfort zone forever and the responsibility signed on for life becomes from time to time extremely overwhelming.

4. If you can help her with something, no matter how insignificant it may seem, don’t hesitate to do it. He may not always ask for help, but he needs it quite often.

5. Don’t try to blame her for something that includes her baby. Moms become extremely aggressive when observers speak in ignorance. You know, we women were born for it, but we only learned what to do. We become mothers without really knowing what it means. We can imagine, but most of the times the reality beats the imagination …

6. Respect the distance it imposes on you.

7. Accept that the woman before she became a mother is still out there and asks for her rights from time to time. He asks to be pampered, to have time for her, and sometimes longs for desperation after a little loneliness. If you can, give it to him!

8. Understand that she is tired and does not mind if she is no longer “in the long run”. Yes, she is very tired because she has not slept a whole night and still works. Look, she has the power to smile and be cute.

Sometimes we get to get away from those around us or those around us get away from us because we are no longer on the same wavelength. Those who become parents change because it is so natural, while others remain in the same lifestyle. It’s hard enough for some to keep up with others. Priorities change, conceptions change, leisure also undergoes changes. We are all told that we will remain the same after we become parents or imagine the new chapter altogether. In reality, things are different than the way you plan them, and only when you get into the situation of confrontation do you realize that you have misjudged those before you.


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