Thank you Mom, for making a woman out of me!

Thank you for making a woman out of me Mom! With kind word ,some punishment and even a backhand if deserved. Thank you for being strong and holding me in your arms until you made me a great woman. Thank you for stelpping in when needed another later and not later, even if I hurt […]

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35 Years – old or…

“It seems like a joke until it happens to you…” To have asked me 10-15 years ago what I thought of 35-year-old people and I would have said they were already old. However, as I approached them, from one year to the next I looked at them differently. And today I got there. 35. An […]

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COVID 19 – still

What’s going on right now behind the fire curtain? I sit and watch what happens in Mineapolis, Los Angeles… What you see scares you, you’re pros and cons… I am an immigrant in the United States, but I can say that I have a rather vast culture that over the 34 years I have lived, […]

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Memories, moments, emotions

October 27 Off small soul and gentle … for the first time … from that moment … you enchanted me … at 11pm they caused my contractions and at 1.38am you came to the world … 2300grams … 47cm at no 36 weeks. I stayed 3 days in the hospital … on the 25th day […]

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Tears of Arya

Today, I enjoyed a little bit of affection from my dear Arya. She is a very active child and I rarely have moments of these tendencies from her. She plays, she goes around the whole house, she wants in his arms, she wants to go down again, she speaks his language and he always smiles. […]

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The last words…

In the darkness of the room, I look at the colorful lights of the webcam lying on Arya’s bed and which lights up arrogantly with every little noise. I have not reached the heights of success in the business world, but in the eyes of others, my life is a symbol of success. However, looking […]

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Childhood… Miss it!

Childhood is a gift of life that we waste before time, which we really want only after there is not even the packaging left… it’s a universe we lose too fast, painfully fast! And we’re looking at only a life of adults full of worries and existential problems! I miss the kid i used to. […]

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