October 27 Off small soul and gentle … for the first time … from that moment … you enchanted me … at 11pm they caused my contractions and at 1.38am you came to the world … 2300grams … 47cm at no 36 weeks.

So small and with so much desire for life, love and trust for me … my miracle is you!

I stayed 3 days in the hospital … on the 25th day we were discharged and on the 27th, I went to the doctor again – pediatrician … you lost a little bit although it is normal but you will gradually gain weight.

In the evening you have transformed my daughter into a day … the pope girl 10 minutes then sleeps 1h-1.30 maximum … and during the day..from 3 in 3 hours or maybe even more.

Today, October 27, I made you a stick … but what a stick ?! Well … a carp in a bigger boat and I washed you with my dads because otherwise I couldn’t because of the womb … your grandmother Mihaela, will come on November 10th, and then you will know what a bath really is .

…I always take pictures of you … I look at you … you are a miracle … my miracle and I love you immensely … I never once believed what I will feel … I cannot describe you in words … you cry kitten..all dad’s all girl, although sometimes I am glad you have some features and that of mommy..to be healthy ..

October 30 It’s been over so fast … I had a lot to do but you didn’t have to wait and wait

November 3 It doesn’t matter how many minutes, hours of sleep … nothing else matters when I feel you on my chest. You are everything … you are the desire and the dream fulfilled … you are my miracle and my life .. I illuminate every part of me like and my whole life in which years in a row I hoped … I love you little baby

November 7th, I made good to her a gift for her birthday

Happy Birthday Granny! Segnad Arya

November 8th I ordered a gift for the day the father with your picture

November 10th Granny Mihaela was comming

November 19th Today is a month since we became parents, a month that has passed so fast … a month that has changed me so much … a month that had to wait but she preferred to be with us, to let us know and bring us so much happiness … so many smiles and fulfillment.

Life has shown me once again that anything is possible.

At the most such moments, minutes, hours, days, special months!


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