There are no perfect mothers. And not perfect children.

Why is your child not like other children ?! I admit that I have sinned by asking myself this, rhetorical question. Every human being is unique, even from the womb of the mother who brings it into the world. But we are somehow guided by all kinds of stereotypes and patterns. And we have expectations. […]

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The life after giving birth

Do you know that “Theory as theory, but practice kills us!” Well, this article still had to wait for that: 1. articles like this were written and 2. I didn’t know where to start and what to end with. So, I said to start with this very thought, because this is the end. About “practice”. […]

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The first year of the baby’s life

Hey, here’s the first year. Hard, easy, it’s over, so I thought I’d mark it properly, by doing a retrospective of what worked or didn’t work in our case. I confess that I would have liked to have an article like this, all in one place, more than a year ago. It might have been […]

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8 rules to keep in mind when staying with a mother

1. Don’t annoy her. This is the most important and that is why it is the first place. Her nerves are already stretched to the maximum and any spark can cause an explosion. Literally. Seriously, don’t upset a mom! 2. Do not contradict it if you do not have solid arguments because you get to […]

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Conscious Pregnancy

“Pregnancy is a process that invites you to abandon the unseen force that lies behind all that life means.” – Judy Ford It’s definitely like a blind date when you get pregnant. It’s thrilling. You surrender to all your senses throughout the nine months of divine creation. Because that’s actually. A creation. How revealing this […]

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If you don’t want me anymore, I don’t want you!

Lately, even very late for my emotional well-being, I learned to correctly interpret the silence or absence of people, and I also learned to practice them. For most of my life I’ve been dependent on the presence of people in my life, but over time I’ve managed to gain my emotional independence. That cost me […]

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Thank you Mom, for making a woman out of me!

Thank you for making a woman out of me Mom! With kind word ,some punishment and even a backhand if deserved. Thank you for being strong and holding me in your arms until you made me a great woman. Thank you for stelpping in when needed another later and not later, even if I hurt […]

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35 Years – old or…

“It seems like a joke until it happens to you…” To have asked me 10-15 years ago what I thought of 35-year-old people and I would have said they were already old. However, as I approached them, from one year to the next I looked at them differently. And today I got there. 35. An […]

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COVID 19 – still

What’s going on right now behind the fire curtain? I sit and watch what happens in Mineapolis, Los Angeles… What you see scares you, you’re pros and cons… I am an immigrant in the United States, but I can say that I have a rather vast culture that over the 34 years I have lived, […]

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