Hey, here’s the first year. Hard, easy, it’s over, so I thought I’d mark it properly, by doing a retrospective of what worked or didn’t work in our case.

I confess that I would have liked to have an article like this, all in one place, more than a year ago. It might have been easier for me, but I hope it will be useful to future moms who follow my blog.

First of all, do not rush to buy too many things beforehand. The most useful acquisition would be the breast pump – the manual one. It really helped me and I used it a lot for the first three months. With regard to this chapter – breastfeeding – I recommend that you consult a breastfeeding consultant just before you are born, to be thoroughly informed about this aspect. It’s not as simple as it seems, on the contrary. There are a lot of junkies, myths and babismas completely wrong, which can mislead you and sabotage this natural process. Breastfeeding is not strongly encouraged in hospitals in Romania and you do not receive free counseling in this regard. It is good that there are alternatives, however, and breastfeeding consultants are a long-term investment in the start-up life you give your child.

Crib. I didn’t invest much money in it, but it proved completely useless. Maybe in a few years it will be useful. After 9 months of living with you, your baby needs your warmth. To let him sleep alone in the crib seemed cruel to me but now after another 9 months my daughter is sleeping peacefully without any problem. There is nothing more beautiful than falling asleep with him in your arms and waking up with him next to you, but when he starts not to sit down and becomes energetic you can’t keep up. If he sleeps in his crib you will have many magical mornings. He will wake up and watch you smiling from his crib. Mommy or dad … sit greasy to the soul, take it immediately and put it next to you in bed..off how beautiful is the feeling. You will be told that you will no longer have an intimate life, that the life of the couple will suffer, that the child will be spoiled, that it will be difficult to disobey his own room, etc. I can dismantle each one with counterarguments, but I’m not getting along with it now. The idea is this: read about co-sleeping, weigh the benefits and “risks” and then decide if a baby crib is really needed in the first few months. Eventually, change your bed to a bigger one, so that all 3 of you can sleep until you get to bed! 😀

Swing. He helped us enormously and still helps us. Arya takes a nap in the afternoon and now in him watching his favorite drawings.

Pacifier. It didn’t help us, but I’m glad it did. If they don’t like it at first, don’t insist on it. You can live without it! Arya from her tummy liked her finger.

Mattress with activities. I do not recommend. But I tried to lose interest after a few minutes.

Carts. Well, to us this chapter I would really recommend. We have 3 really … I know … we are crazy but each one was for different periods of its growth. 😊

Sterilizer. If you want to breastfeed wholeheartedly, you will succeed and you will not need one. But once your chicken grows, it is definitely needed! :))

Prior to. Arya started to stand up from 6 months and believe me it helped me a lot, it was like an activity center and it was fixed at the beginning and I could do my job easily but then it became exactly what I needed to do. to easily walk through the whole house.

Special bowls for diversification. NOT! No need to give them to eat from special bowls. Say thank you if everything goes like wheels and accept your first meal … Castroanele are the least concern.

Toys. He doesn’t care much. For one year, for Arya the most interesting toys are the cables. Then what’s in the drawers, the trash, the slippers, the mop, etc. Don’t buy too many toys. Up to one year old, he barely discovers the environment. Everything around it becomes a toy. And you, parent are by far his favorite!

These would be the most important aspects that I wanted to point out. If I forgot something now I will definitely complete the course. Hope this list is useful to you.

All the best and … Happy children! ✌


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