December 89 ‘

In a previous article I wrote about the life I lived, about what it meant to me, the Revolution of December 89 being a child, and the fact that after years, due to the beatings, I lost my father when I needed him most. Today I write about my sister, better said, although I know […]

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4 tuning

Who am I or rather who was I?I think I stayed the same but today I am inspired or rather rewrite an interview dated from the first issue of 4tuningRo magazine from 2006 where I had the great pleasure to be their image. “Well, it’s pretty hard for me to describe myself. You know, it’s […]

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“And how’s being a parent?”

Every time we meet people we have never seen before, we become parents, the first question we are asked after the exchange of kindness is this – “And how is it to be a parent?”. The answer is “Otherwise.” Other than what others tell you, because each child is unique, otherwise because your life as […]

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