Negativeism or Energy Vampirism?

Do you really know those around you or yourself?How many of us we are/we were in a toxic situation/relationship and we had to do things that consciously being hurt us and we still continued? In a long-term communication with a person, the psychic attitude is contagious and everything comes from the fact that in our […]

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The life after giving birth

Do you know that “Theory as theory, but practice kills us!” Well, this article still had to wait for that: 1. articles like this were written and 2. I didn’t know where to start and what to end with. So, I said to start with this very thought, because this is the end. About “practice”. […]

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8 rules to keep in mind when staying with a mother

1. Don’t annoy her. This is the most important and that is why it is the first place. Her nerves are already stretched to the maximum and any spark can cause an explosion. Literally. Seriously, don’t upset a mom! 2. Do not contradict it if you do not have solid arguments because you get to […]

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Conscious Pregnancy

“Pregnancy is a process that invites you to abandon the unseen force that lies behind all that life means.” – Judy Ford It’s definitely like a blind date when you get pregnant. It’s thrilling. You surrender to all your senses throughout the nine months of divine creation. Because that’s actually. A creation. How revealing this […]

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The end of year 2019

In 2019 I discovered myself better, I truly discovered the feeling of happiness, family and soul beauty. This year 2019, I have learned to say NO, I have learned to say I WISH, I have learned to say I LIKE IT, I DO NOT CARE or I DO NOT IMAGE. Now I know what I […]

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