Journey of the Heart: Reflections on Life’s Train

“At birth, we board the train and meet our parents. We believe they will always travel with us. Yet, at some station, our parents disembark, leaving us to continue our journey alone. As time passes, others board: siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our lives. Some depart unexpectedly, leaving a significant void, while […]

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I wish I had wings, to be able to fly, across seas and countries, above all of them. I wish I had wings and be able to fly there over mountains and valleys, where I would like, without caring about anyone and anything. I wish I had angel wings, magical wings, wings with which I […]

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Do you want to know something more about me? I will immediately tell you a small part of who I am, what I believe and what I feel. I think there are few people who really know me. I can’t say I’m a simple or easy-to-understand person. I am a contradictory and complicated person, at […]

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If you don’t want me anymore, I don’t want you!

Lately, even very late for my emotional well-being, I learned to correctly interpret the silence or absence of people, and I also learned to practice them. For most of my life I’ve been dependent on the presence of people in my life, but over time I’ve managed to gain my emotional independence. That cost me […]

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Thank you Mom, for making a woman out of me!

Thank you for making a woman out of me Mom! With kind word ,some punishment and even a backhand if deserved. Thank you for being strong and holding me in your arms until you made me a great woman. Thank you for stelpping in when needed another later and not later, even if I hurt […]

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Memories, moments, emotions

October 27 Off small soul and gentle … for the first time … from that moment … you enchanted me … at 11pm they caused my contractions and at 1.38am you came to the world … 2300grams … 47cm at no 36 weeks. I stayed 3 days in the hospital … on the 25th day […]

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The last words…

In the darkness of the room, I look at the colorful lights of the webcam lying on Arya’s bed and which lights up arrogantly with every little noise. I have not reached the heights of success in the business world, but in the eyes of others, my life is a symbol of success. However, looking […]

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And now? What I need to do?

Waiting for a baby is an extremely exciting and beautiful time in the life of future parents. You read and read, you inform yourself, you document yourself, you are avid of any tip that someone who is already a parent is selling you, believing that when you are put in front of the fulfilled fact […]

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Sadness without borders

If I wanted to make an analogy, Easter in 2008 was like the last level of the hardest game I would ever have played. In the face of death, words disappear, even explanations and reason, and when death steals one of the most precious people of life, you become stone and that suffering you somehow […]

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