Journey of the Heart: Reflections on Life’s Train

“At birth, we board the train and meet our parents. We believe they will always travel with us. Yet, at some station, our parents disembark, leaving us to continue our journey alone. As time passes, others board: siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our lives. Some depart unexpectedly, leaving a significant void, while […]

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Letter to my older sister

I’m writing to you here, because no one else will do it. You are the most wonderful being, with an accentuated sensitivity that has occupied its most suitable place. You are who you want to be, and you are guaranteed to be the bestperfect sister! (I don’t have another one, but I wouldn’t want one […]

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The diary of some dream years

The year 2017 passed like a split second. But for me, it was extremely intense. It was the year of absolute change. I lived every moment, I chose to look more at the good side of things, to understand more the people around me and not to judge them anymore. I tested the friendship and […]

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Good morning 😋

Life is not always how we want it, but we live it as best we can. There is no perfect life, but there are perfect moments. “I believe in love that was written before we were born and I know that you die from it without wanting to fight to live, without being able to. […]

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Thank you Mom, for making a woman out of me!

Thank you for making a woman out of me Mom! With kind word ,some punishment and even a backhand if deserved. Thank you for being strong and holding me in your arms until you made me a great woman. Thank you for stelpping in when needed another later and not later, even if I hurt […]

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Memories, moments, emotions

October 27 Off small soul and gentle … for the first time … from that moment … you enchanted me … at 11pm they caused my contractions and at 1.38am you came to the world … 2300grams … 47cm at no 36 weeks. I stayed 3 days in the hospital … on the 25th day […]

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Tears of Arya

Today, I enjoyed a little bit of affection from my dear Arya. She is a very active child and I rarely have moments of these tendencies from her. She plays, she goes around the whole house, she wants in his arms, she wants to go down again, she speaks his language and he always smiles. […]

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2 years of marriage…

What else is there to say? Time passes like crazy… If I concentrate a little I can remember step by step the day he asked me to marry and immediately I said “YES! I DO! “. If I concentrate a little more, I can make a parallel between 2018 and 2019 and find something similar. […]

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The end of year 2019

In 2019 I discovered myself better, I truly discovered the feeling of happiness, family and soul beauty. This year 2019, I have learned to say NO, I have learned to say I WISH, I have learned to say I LIKE IT, I DO NOT CARE or I DO NOT IMAGE. Now I know what I […]

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Birth of Arya. Divine. Thanks!

“The birth of a child is a compliment to the Divinity.” Day of Fulfillment: Saturday – 22.10.2018 How can I describe this day? Wonderful? Magic? Unique? Doers? Blessed? Like a fairy came and waved the magic wand with star dust. With much emotion. With love. With tears of joy. Depth. It was just my breath […]

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