Christmas, Love, Childhood

Even in the current context, when the holidays have become so commercial, more about the infernal queues in supermarkets and the volume of the shopping cart, for me, Christmas has remained a magical holiday.If in the past during this period I went to different fairs, at this moment I focus only on selling online and […]

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The diary of some dream years

The year 2017 passed like a split second. But for me, it was extremely intense. It was the year of absolute change. I lived every moment, I chose to look more at the good side of things, to understand more the people around me and not to judge them anymore. I tested the friendship and […]

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4 tuning

Who am I or rather who was I?I think I stayed the same but today I am inspired or rather rewrite an interview dated from the first issue of 4tuningRo magazine from 2006 where I had the great pleasure to be their image. “Well, it’s pretty hard for me to describe myself. You know, it’s […]

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35 Years – old or…

“It seems like a joke until it happens to you…” To have asked me 10-15 years ago what I thought of 35-year-old people and I would have said they were already old. However, as I approached them, from one year to the next I looked at them differently. And today I got there. 35. An […]

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Picture of the past…

Inevitably, we always look behind. Because the future is unknown and sometimes it scares us, and the present may not like us. And we look back, cling to memories we were happy about. It’s wrong to stay anched in the past, to live thinking only of what it was, but it’s very good if you […]

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Loves the woman…?

Does she always say how she feels? Smiles though it suffers… Wants a fresh start after a great storm… Trying to forget and overcome any obstacle… She says what he thinks. Do what she feels… More damage caused by lies than truths… Wants a fresh start… Which she will easily discover as a child who […]

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